The reporting by the western media is increasingly contradictory, one day ISIL is in complete control of the Baiji refinery, the following day it is still Baghdad in control. Monday the Sunni are reportedly fighting each other, Wednesday al-Nusra militants are pledging alliance to ISIL. But I reckon that reporting on this story must be anything but easy.
If up to now I considered the threats on Baghdad mostly rhetoric, reported gains by ISIL south of the capital call for reconsideration. It is not clear that ISIL has an army powerful enough to take a city of this size, but its breathtaking advance means it can not possibly be underestimated.
“Iraq is finished,” he said. “Maliki is nothing. Baghdad is finished. Now there will only be a Shiite-stan, Sunni-stan and Kurdistan.”Peshmerga officer to Mitchell Prothero of McClatchyDC.